Guestbook for
Edwin Chester Mead

This Guestbook has been created as a tribute to
Edwin Chester Mead


Very sorry to hear; I always liked Mr. Mead very much and feel he was a natural teacher. Have never forgotten him or the family. Still drive by the old house almost every day and always look. The dent I made in the garage door frame so many years ago is still there....
Walt Buskey (Etna, NH)

Hi Shery, I am thinking of you and your family at this hard time.
Much love,
Mary Ellen and Ed (Dummerston, VT)

Shery - sending you and your family our love and prayers during this time.
May you take strength and refuge in all the good memories of your dad. Peace!
Chyrell Bellamy (Middletown, CT)

Susan, Shery, and Nancy. I am so sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. I to, lost my Mom just 3 weeks ago today. I liked your Dad very much. He always had such a beautiful smile and laugh. If you don't remember me, I cared for your Grandmother, Miriam for 10 years. Stay well. Martha Burton
Martha Burton (Hanover, NH)

Shery, just want to say im sorry about the passing of ur dad im sure he was a wonderful person just like ur self and im here to support u and ur family and may god bless and hold u all close in ur time of need
Heather (Claremont, NH)

Kia ora Shery,
Our thoughts are with as you farewell your Dad.
All our love,
Frank & Joy

Mr. Mead's family will be in my prayers
Ken Braiterman (Concord, NH)

Sorry we can't attend the memorial service in that we will be out of town. I feel privilaged to have known Ed and to have been part of the group of five foursom on the golf course. He made sure that we celebrated our fellowship by organizing a group lunch every year at the beginning of the year. I send this with my deepest sympathy to all his family.
Fred Lappin (Hanover, NH)

Susan, Shery, Nancy, sending you love, hugs and light for your path through this difficult time.
Margaret and David Laing (Stockton Springs, Maine)

Lounge in the shade of the luxuriant laurel's
beautiful foliage. And now drink sweet water
from the cold spring so that your limbs weary
with summer toil will find rest in the west wind.
--Anyte, c. 290 B.C.

Love to you and all your family, Shery. My thoughts and prayers are with you --
Judy Betterton (Chapel Hill, NC)

Susan,Shery and Nancy, I am one of the lucky nurses to care for your Dad he was always such a joy to care for, and my prayer and thought are with all in the time to come.I know I will think of him often as I pass his Apt. door.
Martha Dessert (Lebanon,NH)

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